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Classified Ads Software for Internet Advertising
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Could You Do With More Advertising. Could You Do With More Brand New Patrons!
Need To Grow Your Profits? Promote!!

Publicize your opportunity, products, or service. Post your ad on thousands of classified sites. Our powerful ads software for classified submissions will increase your exposure. Post thousands of hours of promotional free classifieds in just minutes. In addition, our web promotion software posts your ad to classified web sites, NOT free for all links, Only real classified sites. Review our ads software today! Download a demo!

The Classified Connection? First, The Classified Connection(TCC) is the only classified in the world. It was developed almost exclusively for entrepreneurs and businesses on the Internet. Our revolutionary submission software contains an exclusive classifieds wizard that allows you to "add, modify, or delete" classifieds sites from the TCC database with "one click" of a button. We even show you where to get more classified sites. The classifieds wizard ensures that you will always have a FRESH database of sites. You can literally add thousands of FREE classified sites from all over the Internet automatically and with ease. Also, we have over 50,000+ mirrored/linked classified sites built directly into the system. Yielding an impressive total of over 50,000+ classifieds advertisements with just one classified advertising session. In addition, it is the only software available that has the ability to targets any classified category you desire, ensuring that your targeted potential customers will review your posted advertisements under the appropriate category once the classified site is visited.

Secondly, the system allows entrepreneurs and businesses to advertise directly from their computers to millions of potential customers within minutes. This scenario gives entrepreneurs and business owners the freedom and power to promote as much as they please, day after day, month after month.

Why Classified Advertising? -
"One Powerful Advertising Medium"

Classified ads are a very powerful form of advertising, period. On the Internet they are even more powerful. Advertisers can reach more customers and ads can point to larger ads or company web sites. Classified advertising can be used in a multitude of ways. Classified advertising has been, and continues to be, one of the most effective forms of marketing. Fortunes have been made "overnight" by many a savvy entrepreneur using classified advertising, look at the potential earnings. Listen to what companies and individuals using The Classified Connection have to say about It's effectiveness!

Key Benefits -
"This classifieds marketing software is, simply, new classified advertising technology"

The Classified Connection not only acts as a classified advertising agent to send your advertisements, but it also has "artificial intelligence". Not only that, you won't believe how easy it is to use. Just load it up, type in your contact information and the ads you want to use, and click the
submit button. Simple as that. If you have an opportunity, product, or service, and an ad, you can have The Classified Connection advertising your item to millions of potential prospects within minutes.

ISP Resources -
You can be proud of the fact that you will not be using your ISP's mail servers to send your advertisements. The Classified Connection uses the power of your Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/2000/XP or Windows NT machine and the Internet to deliver your opportunity, product, or service advertisement. There's no more need to purchase bulk mail software, switch ISP's every month, buy e-mail lists, purchase bulk e-mail accounts, or conceal your identity, just to get clients for your opportunity, product, or service.

It's time to get your copy of The Classified Connection and get onboard. It's the easiest, simplest, effective, and most reliable posting software in the world today. An new era of online advertising has arrived and it's as simply as 1, 2, 3.... Are you ready?

ANY company or individual with an opportunity, product, or service to offer others needs The Classified Connection. Download a demo NOW.

Who's using The
Classified Connection
  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Vets
  • Contractors
  • Painters
  • Network Marketers
  • MLM Companies
  • Repairmen
  • Plumbers
  • Banks
  • Clinics
  • Advertisers
  • Lawyers
  • CPA's
  • Music Stores
  • Graphic Artists
  • Website Designers
  • Long Distance
  • ISP's
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